- Play
- Stop
- Loop
- Play left to right
- Play top to bottom
- Play right to left
- Play bottom to top
- Play recorded sounds
- Play music box
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Play the map and trigger samples of birdsong recorded all over the world. Customise the playback settings to alter how you experience the soundscape. Include music box notes to discover what tunes the map markers can create by being read like a player-piano scroll.
Twitchr is a participatory on-line artwork that combines bird watching, social networking and graphic scores.
You can take part in twitchr by adding your own recordings of birds.
To upload recordings log in.
When you are uploading your recording, you can enter when and where it was recorded. It will then appear on the twitchr map.
You can also add tags to describe and group recordings. Add your own or select from tags other contributors have used.
How do I play the map and customise my playback settings?

Why don’t all the markers play a sound?
We have limited the number of sounds that play at any one time. This is so that the Twitchr sound map runs smoothly. The 'active' markers at 'drop pins' and the inactive markers are small circles. You can zoom in and reframe the map to activate different markers.
Why do sounds keep playing after I’ve clicked pause?
The play and pause buttons only affect the movement of the playhead. Any sound that is playing when you press pause will continue to its conclusion. To stop all sounds, use the stop button.
What do the filters do?
You can use filters to refine the selection of active markers on the soundmap, consequently refining you soundscape to fewer sounds. You can filter the results by date, user and Tags. To filter by Tags, select a word from the Tag Cloud, and only recordings with those tags will remain active. You can select more than one tag.
The clear filters button removes any date, user or tag filters you have selected.
I selected a Tag and all the sounds stopped playing
The Tag Cloud represents all the tags present on the whole map, you may have to zoom out and move around the map to find the active sound with the tag you have chosen. Alternatively, select a different tag.
How can I find out more about each recording?
If you click on the marker for a recording, an info box will appear. You can then click on the link to that recording on Audioboo.
How do I upload recordings?
You can find out how to upload recordings on the Upload page.